12U Kalkwarf
Paizley Wright | #00
Jade Todd | #3
Prestyn Francis | #4
Taylor Volkman | #5
Natalie Inlow | #7
Hadley Feil | #8
Annie Henning | #12
Chloie Johnson | #21
Jazz Greenwood | #24
Teagan Kalkwarf | #33

Aliecia Mandrigues | #11

Kailee Sutter | #1

Greg Kalkwarf
10U Head Coach
Greg Kalkwarf is a former collegiate baseball player with a professional career in sports management. Greg organized a celebrity baseball game on the Iowa cornfield made famous in the movie Field of Dreams and then spent seven years in the front office of the Double A baseball affiliate of the Kansas City Royals. He also served as assistant tournament director for a PGA-sanctioned golf tournament and helped with the coordination of a multi-million fundraising project for the Wichita State University baseball stadium.
Greg has coached more than 10 seasons of youth baseball, basketball, and softball. He has completed 11 marathons, has twice climbed the stairs inside One World Trade Center (the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere), and is the author of the award-winning book, “Was That Thunder? More than a Boston Marathon Bombing Story.” In addition to coaching a 316 Elite Softball team, he currently serves as a track running guide for a visually impaired high school student.